Think medical and science-based research on longevity tools, supplements, and methods for lay people, by a layperson. The average consumer doesn’t have time to discern truth from fiction, this project will help us do that with objectivity and zero outside influence.

The weekly Optimizer newsletter is nothing more than a way for me to share what I learn, as I learn it. Zero expertise, no credentials, just a knack for research and a love of writing.

Starting another newsletter company was the last thing on my mind.

I stopped using social media to focus on my family. I prioritized my health and the relationships that mattered most. I read the bible cover to cover (twice). And began trying to solve problems, one by one.

Several things happened to my health over the last few years: Oncology and hematology visits went from once per month to zero. The blood work went from “critical” to A-OK. My mental health went from broken and destructive to great. That weight of mine dropped from 232 lbs. to 204 lbs. My body fat fell from 23.7% to 9.6% and my VO2max greatly improved. In the process, my bio-age dropped by several years.

Half Moon Bay (2023)

My dependence on technology fell over 72% (based on screen time metrics). My bond with my wife healed and our love grew. I became an infinitely better father and friend. My faith went from weak and passive to strongly active. I went from no books ever to one read book per week. I traveled from addict to a man free from all addictions. I became a positive to those around me. My daily mindset at 38 years old went from “I want to die.” to “Let’s live the best we can” at 40 years old. And inspired by a lot of this, I started a text community of alumni from HBS, sorta by accident, called “Optimization” which inched toward’s Dunbar’s number.

Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships.

So, this Optimizer platform became an extension of that Optimization chat. The idea of altruistic media project was inspired by conversations with my Living Group at Harvard Business School during our final OPM session before graduation in June 2022 (thank you to LG 2E: Wayne, Kate, Federico, Susanna, Andrey, Tyler, and Jose). The idea planted in that dorm room living space evolved into an expression of my desire contribute to the mental, spiritual, and physical healths of others. In these weekly dispatches, you’ll find the research, historical contexts, and some practical applications that changed my life. I hope that it impacts yours.